How To Have a Blissful Marriage Even When the Woman is the Breadwinner

The unfavorable economic situations that is negatively impacting on individuals as well as organizations has brought with it loss of businesses and high rate of unemployment.  The irony of which the men are worst hit by this ugly trend, thereby making most women who run small businesses breadwinners of their various homes.

When this downturn happens, the woman takes over the responsibility of carrying the load of the family.  The responsibilities that were probably shared by both of them will now be shouldered by the woman alone or she will be the one who contributes ninety percent to keep the family moving.

While some women carry this cross with all sincerity and happiness, others find it very difficult to bear and consequently despise their husbands.  

Unfortunately for this group of women, men naturally have this ego which cannot be compromised.  They rather suffer than watch you trample on their personality. 

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This scenario has been discovered to be the root cause of many broken homes today, but there are certain things a women who bear family’s responsibilities and still want to keep her family together should do.  They include:

Keep Your Husband On the Know

I know you are the owner of the money but whenever you want to invest it on a property or things that involve big amounts of money, discuss it with your husband first,  seek his opinion and have joint agreement on how to invest the money.  Do not finish the transaction before letting him know as that action will bring suspicion and lack of trust.

Also carry your husband along in whatever you do.  For example, when you are invited for an occasion by business partners and friends, try as much as possible to involve your husband or seek his permission.  This is not trampling on your right but playing on a level ground.   He needs your encouragement; make him feel respected as that may bring the solution he needs.

Don’t Take Over Your Husband’s Rights

A lot of women have turned themselves into decision makers of the family simply because they bring in money for the family. 

Let’s take for an instance a child who wants to embark on a project and comes to you first as a mother.  Instead of seeking the opinion of the father of the house, you discuss and make decisions on the matter leaving the father behind.

This attitude has two major negative effects on the family.  First, it belittles your husband before his children and secondly, the people around you including your children will see you as an ‘iron lady’ and you know what that means.  You also know that no man takes that.

Don’t Expose His Inadequacy to the Public

What can we say about a woman who drives exotic cars while her husband goes on public transport or foot?  What about a woman who dresses elegantly with expensive jewelries and her husband go around with tattered and un-ironed cloths?

This is exactly what is taking place in most homes where a woman is the breadwinner.  The husband will only but become goaded and the home falls apart.  I just want to let you know that a little cover up on your own part can change a lot of things in your home.

Pray For Your Husband

A good wife builds her home while a bad one scatters hers.  The secret remains that you are the architect of your home.  Your prayer does much in your family.  Bring your husband’s case before God and tell him what you want.

He is truthful to his words though it might take a little time, he will sure answer your prayers.

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