Habits That Bond Family Together

The key to a happy family is staying together in love.  Below are some few ingredients that can keep the family together.

Praying and Singing Together: 

It is always said that a family that prays   together stays together.  Making music and singing it together is a great way to bond as a family.  Catch fun by dancing around the house with your children, you can even use the music to motivate them to do some chores and they will gladly obey.   

Read and Write Together.  

Create time each day or two in a week to read some books together especially story based books and Bibles.  Read aloud to kids and make them read with you.  This is the period to ask them what they are able to gather from the book and you can at the same time give some useful advice to them.

Encourage and Show Appreciation to Each Other:  

Some little ways of showing how much you care includes; giving a high five when impressed, hugs, a little happy dance to welcome a child from school or parents from work.  A little gift no matter how small can be very good.

Reward Good Work.  

It is very essential to reward a child whenever a good behaviour is exhibited.  Monetary reward is not always recommended.  A visit to the zoo, fast food joint or movie center can be a very powerful encouragement to the child.  It makes the children feel appreciated and gives them a sense of belonging.

Cook Family Meals Together:  

Involving the children to make food for the family will not only get them interested in eating the food but also teaches them the act of cooking as well as team work.  This is a very great way to bond the family as they need each other to complete the work.

Travel Together:  

Visit parks or camps together with your family.  While the parents take time to relax, the older children can play games and the younger ones play in the sandbox.  This type of outing enables parents to spend time with their children and invariably bond together.

 Put your Spouse first:  

Parents are the first and most influential role model a child can get.  Loving your spouse will also teach your children how to love each other.  They will be engulfed with the love that radiates the home and they will follow suit.  But seeing the parents quarrel and fight each other will also teach them how to fight each other.  This will bring division and unhappy home.

Take Responsibility of Your Actions.  

When one hurts the feelings of another in the family, it is only right to apologize and say I am sorry.  Claiming to be right and finding excuses to cover your actions will only create acrimony and division.  It is also important to find a way of healing the hurt you have caused, you can do this by helping out in the person’s home work or sharing your meals, sweets.  Encourage your children to take responsibility of their actions by examples. 
